Between the brain fog and internal inferno, menopause is tough enough without adding chronic pain or pelvic floor issues like incontinence, painful sex, or prolapse. Whether you’re in perimenopause and want to prevent symptoms or you’re here to improve them, we’ve got you!‍ Origin PTs are experts in staying strong and pain-free through menopause. Get treatment online or in-person. And, no, it isn’t all kegels, all the time.

Post-Menopause: Here's What to Expect




Aging combined with the hormonal changes of menopause can weaken the pelvic floor muscles. Without support, pelvic organs can slip out of place (prolapse) and bladder/bowel leaks can increase. If your pelvic floor muscles are tight as well as weak, sex may be painful.


Your PT will take time to understand the symptoms you’re experiencing and evaluate your posture, movement, and pelvic health. Personalized treatment may include:

  • Pelvic floor strengthening and flexibility
  • Full-body exercises to build or maintain strength and lower your risk of osteoporosis
  • Referral for a pessary to boost support for your pelvic organs


Having a PT on your side can help you prevent and treat pelvic issues as well as aches and pains anywhere in your body, so you can keep doing what you love. On average, treatment consists of 12-16 weekly visits.



Research shows that addressing pelvic floor health + improving overall strength and physical wellbeing can help to reduce and even prevent many symptoms related to menopause.

  • "I have no idea what to expect with menopause."

  • "He has viagra, but sex feels impossible."

  • "I can barely make it to the toilet in time."

Sources: Naumova I, et al. Current treatment options for postmenopausal vaginal atrophy. International Journal of Women's Health. 2018; Sran M, et al. Physical therapy for urinary incontinence in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis or low bone density. Menopause. 2016.

Menopause FAQ

How is menopause defined?

The term “menopause” generally refers to the time of life when menstruation happens less often and finallys stops altogether. Technically, you’ve gone through menopause when you’ve had no periods for a full year.

At what age does menopause typically happen?

The average age at menopause is 51.

What are the first signs of menopause?

Two of the most common early signs of menopause include missed or irregular periods and sudden increases in body heat — hot flashes — that can range from mild to majorly disruptive. Other early signs are vaginal dryness, breast tenderness, dry skin, and difficulty sleeping.

How long does menopause last?

It can vary from person to person, but the average length of menopause is 4 years.

What is early menopause?

Menopause is considered early or premature if it happens before the age of 40. Premature menopause will occur if you have your uterus removed via a hysterectomy, or it can be the result of damage to the ovaries.

What are the stages of menopause?

  • Perimenopause refers to the years before menopause when estrogen production by the ovaries begins to slow. Periods may become more irregular during this time.
  • Menopause is defined as one year without periods. At this point, the ovaries are no longer producing much estrogen and have stopped releasing eggs.
  • Postmenopause applies to the rest of your life after menopause, when lack of estrogen can continue to contribute to health issues.

What treatments are available for menopause?

Menopause treatments include hormone replacement therapy to replace lost estrogen, estrogen cream or gel to relieve vaginal dryness, drugs to manage hot flashes, and our favorite: physical therapy to address pelvic floor dysfunction.