Dr Lucas Luk
Pengarah Hospital Pusat Perubatan Landmark
MB BCh BAO (Ireland), MRCOG (UK)
ART & Perubatan Reproduktif (Adv. Dip, Fellowship)
Dr Lucas is Hospital Director and Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at Landmark Medical Centre, a private hospital in Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
Having a fervent interest in cell therapy, Dr Lucas also holds the positions of Director and appointed Chief Clinical Officer at CytoMed Therapeutics Pte Ltd (CytoMed), a Cellular Biotech Company with an accredited GMP facility in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Dr Lucas is involved in clinical studies with regards to mesenchymal stem cell and immune cell therapy, for regenerative and anti-aging medicine, as well as, for the treatment of various blood and solid cancers.
Dr Lucas has also served as a member of the Science Industry Advisory Committee for PSB Academy’s School of Life Sciences (Singapore), since 2019 and currently serves as the founding Chairman of the Independent Ethics Committee at Landmark Medical Centre.
Dr Lucas remains actively involved in Medical Education and is a certified International Examiner for the Royal College of Obstetrician and Gynaecologist (RCOG) UK’s Part 3 Membership Examinations. Dr Lucas conducts postgraduate training and examinations for both local and foreign aspiring Clinical Trainee Specialists in the field of Obstetrics & Gynaecology and is also Adjunct Senior lecturer at Monash University (Johor Bahru Campus).
Reproductive medicine, family planning, pelvic floor continence and minimally invasive surgery (keyhole surgery) are other areas of interest for Dr Lucas.
Dr Lucas ialah Pengarah Hospital dan Perunding Obstetrik & Ginekologi di Pusat Perubatan Landmark, sebuah hospital swasta di Johor Bahru, Malaysia.
Mempunyai minat yang mendalam dalam terapi sel, Dr Lucas juga memegang jawatan sebagai Pengarah dan dilantik sebagai Ketua Pegawai Klinikal di CytoMed Therapeutics Pte Ltd (CytoMed), sebuah Syarikat Bioteknologi Selular dengan kemudahan GMP bertauliah di Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Dr Lucas terlibat dalam kajian klinikal berkaitan sel stem mesenchymal dan terapi sel imun, untuk ubat regeneratif dan anti-penuaan, serta, untuk rawatan pelbagai kanser darah dan pepejal.
Dr Lucas juga pernah berkhidmat sebagai ahli Jawatankuasa Penasihat Industri Sains untuk Sekolah Sains Hayat Akademi PSB (Singapura), sejak 2019 dan kini berkhidmat sebagai Pengerusi pengasas Jawatankuasa Etika Bebas di Pusat Perubatan Landmark.
Dr Lucas kekal terlibat secara aktif dalam Pendidikan Perubatan dan merupakan Pemeriksa Antarabangsa bertauliah untuk Peperiksaan Keahlian Bahagian 3 Kolej Diraja Obstetrik dan Ginekologi (RCOG) UK. Dr Lucas menjalankan latihan dan peperiksaan pasca siswazah untuk kedua-dua calon Pakar Pelatih Klinikal dalam dan luar negara dalam bidang Obstetrik & Ginekologi dan juga pensyarah Kanan Adjung di Universiti Monash (Kampus Johor Bahru).
Perubatan pembiakan, perancangan keluarga, kontinensia lantai pelvik dan pembedahan invasif minimum (pembedahan lubang kunci) adalah bidang lain yang menarik bagi Dr Lucas.